"What if I can't ever bring to reality the thing I most long for in my life?"


Holy Sh!t that's huge.

It's frightening to contemplate never realizing a deep longing made real. What's worse is the accompanying regret if you never tried.


 Within longing is the implied distance between you and your wants and the desire to bring them close. It could be anything in your life; a promotion, relationship, career, feelings of worth, value, achievement, realizing a vocation, feeling safety, security, having children... as many people are alive in the world today, is a drop in the bucket of longings yearning to be realized.

Whatever your greatest longing is, it’s there for a reason.
— Beloved Presence

It's not anyone's job to judge your longing. It's yours. For you.

No one has to agree that it is valuable. It's yours and it's there - that's what matters.


 Often the beginning of the coaching relationship is the actual discovering, accepting and embracing of our very real longings.

In most cases, your longings were not supported or encouraged in childhood. If they were, you would have been well on your way to realizing them by now.

There is some block or resistance to your longing in the first place. You believed the longing was actually unimportant because…



 Humans are hard-wired for warm reception.

It's a trauma to us not to be treated with warm reception - including the support and care of our deep and needful longings. We are hard-wired for support and inclusion and it feels like a trauma when we are treated in any other way.

Touching dormant longings can be painfully wrapped in the grief and fear of denying self our deep need for Presence and Being.

You have a deep spiritual need for authentic Soul Expression.

It is just as necessary as food and water and touch and sunshine.

Ceolta na Cruinne - the song of the Universe, longs to be sung completely by all Souls.


 So much of growth is unlearning the false beliefs of what we were taught early as “truth”. We must de-condition ourselves of the beliefs we accepted as reality. Beliefs that limit our full experience of Being.

These limits were not imposed in cruelty or abuse (unless it was). Mostly it was done out of the unhealed parental/ancestral traumas inherited unconsciously for generations before us.

Realization of your deepest longings is ancestral healing.

The trigger response to unfiltered expressions of joy by wounded caregivers is to judge and restrict your expression of joy to a level that is comfortable for them.

Every child experiences the restriction of joyful expression as a truthful reflection of the worth of their own expression of self.

We accepted very early that our exuberant expression of the joy of being was wrong and bad and we are wrong and bad and unwanted as we are.


 We accept that this is truth about us at a fundamental existence level and we spend the rest of our lives keeping the full expression of our authentic Self locked in box.

This sucks.


This is the source of your deepest longings. They are the cries of your authentic Soul Self asking to be released and shared with the world.

We need to experience the fullness of your Soul expression free in the world. We cry out for your Soul jail as much as we cry for our own.

But we're not really in jail. It's just a mind jail and the bars and doors and locks aren't real. Ta dah!


Longings are the Guide

Longings are not an accident. They are the actual way.

Underneath even the most egotistical drive is a deeply felt soul longing that has been disconnected or perverted from it's original need. Egos are driven to feel valued and safe, secure and loved. At the heart of every high-status billionaire is a deeply kept secret desire for unconditional love and safety.

What is the most powerful and persistent longing you have? The one that won't be quiet and won't go away - no matter what else in your life is going great? This longing won't be satisfied by anything but the realization of it's need?

I'm sitting right here in front of you to tell you, that longing is valuable. The most valuable. The most important guide and you will do yourself a disservice if you continue to ignore it.

The level of your fear is equal to the level of joy that you can bring to your life.
— Beloved Presence

 Being with the longing will expand everything in your life. It changed everything the moment I allowed my longing to be a possibility in my life.


Until I met my husband Keith (at age 37), finding the love of my life had been my biggest desire. Every other longing was secondary to this deep need for soul partnership.


We’re not Hollywood. But this is my favourite love story.


Once I began to live this new expanded reality of love and relationship - the longing for soul partnership became the doing soul partnership; which made room for another longing to come to focus.

I wasn't able to shift what was coming up. I have never been able to see this longing to fruition. This was a longing I couldn't do alone. (We never actually do our lives alone - we are always helped along the way.)  


 This is my longing for career fulfillment and the full experience of soul expression while learning and teaching what I value as most important in my life. I longed to spend my time on this planet doing things that are directly related to Land, Spirit and Authentic Expression of Soul Self.

It had previously alluded me.

There's no course for this kind of work at the Continuing Education Center. There's no certificate program or accreditation path advertised on LinkedIN.

I tried for over 10 years to realize something in the world that would fulfill this longing - but failed again and again, because I couldn't do this shifting resistance job on my own. I couldn't get absolutely clear on what the longing was telling me specifically.

I finally accepted that I needed help.

I needed the help and support of people who were on the same page as me spiritually, and I needed it because I couldn't move forward in the same way as before and I couldn't shift my life by myself. I was stuck.


 Transpersonal is the key word for me.


I had briefly toyed with the idea of becoming a psychotherapist. It hit almost all the boxes... except the spiritual foundation one. Kind of major and unavoidable. Traditional psychotherapy leaves no room for spiritual foundation. It's a research-based, western society paradigm, objective-oriented evidence based practice. Which is great - but only part of what is necessary in the world.


Transpersonal means beyond human.

It implies a spiritual dimension beyond the physical dimension and necessitates a personal, experience-based, subjective, wholistic view of reality that meshes better with my own beliefs and world-view.

Transpersonal is not religious or denominational or institutional. It means embracing all expressions of spiritual experience and not being tied to any one view or book mode of spiritual learning.

It is very Gnostic in that regard.

Maslow took his famous “Hierarchy of Needs” from the social structure of the Siksika Nation.


Animism is way down at the bottom in the dirt before religion. lol. In a spiral like my Celtic Ancestors intended.



I am an Animist and Animism colours every aspect of my Presence and Being on Earth.

Animism is the acceptance and belief that everything that exists, exists in the integral Soul of Being. Either everything has their own Soul or everything exists within the wholeness of One Soul. Either way, the existence of a thing means that it is fundamentally and essentially and intrinsically valuable and worthy. If it wasn't, it would not exist.

Animism is Loving Inclusion. Animism is the Beloved Presence of Being.

That's it. That's all there is. Everything else is personal experience and discovery of Soul Self and making our way in the world together.

That's why I have called this service Anamchara Coaching. Anamchara means "soul friend" in Irish and Gaelic. What a fantastic role to take up in life - to be a soul friend to those looking to bring their greatest longings into reality.

Yes please.


 Soul friend coaching is based in the foundation of FITE FUAITE / EADAR-FHIGHTE.

My Animism is rooted in the foundation of Celtic belief that the world of Form and Spirit are interwoven together and inseparable since the very beginning. Spirit and Form have never been apart. The Seen and Unseen exist together, inseparable.


Fite fuaite was, is and will forever be. Loving inclusion. The Beloved Presence of Being.


 Total Shift of Being

Since starting on my Transpersonal coaching path, I have completely shifted what I believe is possible and acceptable in my life. The biggest shift is my ability to stand for my beliefs, values and perspectives (gnosis, éolas) and not feel it necessary to convince or prove their value or worth. To stand in my truth and share for those who want to hear... this alone has made it possible for me to realize my own longings - because I'm no longer restricted by my own limitations of what can exist in my world. Now I can just do and be and share my truth without feeling like I need permission or consensus. (This is a process… I am still working with ideas of permission in my life.)

Before connecting to my worth and value - I didn't feel like I had the authority or permission to share the wisdom I've gained from over 30 years of consistent and focused spiritual and personal growth. I lacked the confidence to share what I know and what I've learned.

What I allow to exist in my life now is night and day to before my training. I never considered that I would be doing what I'm doing - Talking with the Dead, Personal Readings, Ancestor connection... NEVER.

It is my deepest longing manifest in my life.

AND... it is welcomed and received by the world with joy and support and impact. People love this work - because this is Authentic Soul Expression.

Coaching has adjusted how I see myself and how I show up in the world. It has changed my relationship to myself and removed blocks to my worth, my value and my belief in what I have to offer the world. I believe in my wisdom and the éalos that I have to share.

Removing blocks to self worth is a domino effect of expanded possibility. It allows you to embrace the things that make you most joyful as acceptable, viable, real and doable in your life.

I shifted my perception of this work from a "business" to a "vocation" because that is more inline with authentic soul expression.

Vocation shifts the purpose and motivation for doing this work from profit to spiritual invitation.

I moved from feeling stuck and not being able to imagine a different future from the stuck one I was in, to living a completely different reality - and one that fills me with joy and excitement for what's to come.


Mentor: Someone who gives advice, support and guidance based on personal experience.

Consultant: An advice-giving and problem-solving space.

Therapist: Works through troubled emotional experiences. Healing and remedial approach from qualified and supervised professionals.

Coach: Partnership and curiosity about you. Asks thought-provoking and creative questions about your goals, agenda and bringing out your highest expression of Self into the world.

Coaches do not offer advice or tell you what to do.

A good coach will eventually not be needed by her clients.


Feeling stuck sucks.

I know, I was there for YEARS. The worst part is the unmoving, unchanging, sameness of the situation - irregardless of the action you're taking!

Doing all the things and not having any discernible different result is demoralizing.

We can't make changes outside until we connect to the truth inside.

When we're stuck we can't get the juice or the energy required to shift our mindset. We can't do most of the heavy lifting on our own. It's hard. Stuck isn't conducive to movement.

The unending chore of living the same stuck routine life over and over again is a nightmare. The lack of fulfillment and tedious boredom of the stuck life is sooooo heavy. Nothing new to light your excitement - nothing to learn, no paths of growth. It's circling the drain, meaningless.

Stuck is cut off from the aliveness energy of life.

It's literal energetic cut off.

The energy required to keep the blocks of stuck in place means there is no juice to create new life and new experiences and new connections. There's no electricity to make moves in any area of life; career, health, relationships, hobbies and interests... it's the grey of monotony. It's a destructive cycle of depression - literally depressing energy keeping the painful feelings down and keeping the whole system stuck in stasis.


 Lightness of Being

Dissolving blocks to our authentic self make the body and the life feel light. It's a weight lifted and an influx of energy that was tied up in resistance - now available for use by us in new and exciting pathways.

20 years ago, I read an article or book by Seth Godin who advised entrepreneurs to get up super early to work on their own enterprise goals hours before their day job. I thought - “Hell, no - that's crazy, I love my sleep." Welp. Now I do that.

Now I wake up early enough that I have at least 4 hours of the freshest part of the day to work on my vocation before I go and do the work that (for now) is required to pay the bills. I go to bed early so that I get enough sleep. Giving up random TV watching is not a hardship. I am spending my energy in ways that most support my greatest longings, and it is not a chore or a burden to do so.

I am working towards a transition that is inevitable.

The Universe supports this work - not because what I was doing before wasn't valuable, but it wasn't for me. It wasn't based in authentic Soul expression because I limited what I was willing to allow. I limited how fully I would allow my Soul to express Themselves in the world.

I feel like I'm doing exactly what I came here to do. To follow the map of my longing, even when it's uncomfortable because I feel spiritually and energetically supported to do so.

Firm Ground

The solidity of grounding is a life changer when realizing longing. Imagine standing in your truth and feeling comfortable to do so. Imagine easily allowing criticism, disagreement and judgement of your chosen path and beliefs to simply roll off while you continue to stand firmly rooted in the truth of your authentic soul self? Oh lovely. I want that for everyone, everywhere.

Imagine being rooted and centered in your own ground, in your own truth, unshakable in the face of derision and rejection - because you know in the core of your being that it doesn't matter.

When we stand in our own firm and solid ground, there is only a sense of curiosity and interest in why people would be so triggered by your power of authentic Beingness.

byron katie, prayer fo rlife, purple grass, sunshine


 There is a big difference between Nice and Kind

Being rooted in our own authentic soul Self brings an embrace of boundaries. Boundaries are necessary for the sovereignty and independence required to express authentic soul self in the world.

Nice is being pleasing - to the point of ignoring the reality of how you or others are being treated, even when harm is being done.

etymology of nice

Kind is treating others like kin. Kin is complicated. Kin implies a connection that cannot be erased, even in cut off. Even if he doesn't like me and won't see me, my brother is still my brother.

With kin we can honour and respect the needs of all parties without pretending. Kin doesn't require agreement but kin is (hopefully) more able to support your right to live authentically and be loved exactly as you are.

I'm a word nerd and the root of respect is wild.

eymology of Respect

Respect for those we don't like or agree with is simply the willingness to see them. Respect is the ongoing willingness to CONTINUE seeing them through changes and growth.

Respect and kindness aren't earned. They are a capacity of your own character that you offer to others. They are an aspect of your choice and willingness to be in relationship with others and continue to see them fully, as they grow and change.

We decide how fully we see others. We decide in what ways we limit another's Being. Kindness and respect are a refusal of limits and are our gift of Presence to others.

Anamchara Coaching isn't nice. But Anamchara Coaching is kind.

As your Anamchara Coach, I honour and respect your unique sovereign path to authentic soul expression. As your Anamchara Coach, I hold your agenda and goals for wholeness and remind you when you forget.



Power's a funny word and gets a lot of triggering responses from almost everyone. Power is desirable and resisted. Power is positive and abused. Power is necessary and corrupting. Power is good. Power is evil.

Power is neutral and it's up to the person wielding the power to determine it's impact.

I have experienced a decisive shift in my own personal power as a direct result of coaching.

There is a value feedback when you and a coach invest time and attention in the process of holding your agenda.

Your goals, your longings, your desires are valuable and worthy to be seen to fruition.

Most of us can't make like-altering shifts on our own. We are too attached to the resistance, or wrapped up in emotional ties to hold the space for change required for transformation.

The Anamchara Coaching relationship comes with accountability to bring those latent, hidden gifts to root into ground. Having access to your personal toolbox of gifts and talents is hugely powerful in moving through life in sovereign expression of your authentic soul self.

Imagine trusting completely who you are, and the decisions you make and the things you say to be exactly what you need at the time?

Life changing. Powerful.

It doesn't mean you become an infallible human being - it means that even in your mistakes, you trust in your Self and your Soul guidance to bring you to the experience of wholeness, peace, love and joy.


Life can be hard.

Money + Career

Depending on the area of stuck in your life you can have multiple layers of suck happening at once.

Maybe your career is stuck and you feel trapped in a deadening job to pay your bills. You're too tired from the dread job to do the creative work you want to do or put energy towards the transition to a new income. Maybe you lack the confidence to ask for a raise or promotion or to set up an independent practice in your own way.

Money is often an area of stuck. There never seems to be enough. Maybe you've had a stream of bad luck or unexpected expenditures and you're feeling insecure and not financially safe in the world.

Many of us have experienced poverty trauma which has far-reaching impacts even long after the experience of poverty has passed. Money and debt can feel like a never-ending hole that we can't crawl out of.



We're all looking for nurturing, supportive relationships. Some of us seem to only attract emotionally unavailable or unreliable partners. Our dating experiences don't result in anything meaningful or lasting. We meet cheaters and liars and are feeling increasingly desperate and needy of fulfilling partnership. This comes with a deep sense of a lack of safe ground and security, safety or trust in self and partners. You may be losing hope in ever finding a good partner.

Family of origin relationships can put a strain on even the most peaceful of lives. So many families lack basic support, respect or sovereignty for an individual to launch into the world in whole health and independence. We have difficulty showing up for family the way we want and need to because we are still entangled in all the childhood ties that bind us in shame and insecurity.


Body Image + Physical Health

We can have difficult relationship with our selves. Body image and dysmorphia issues, lack of self-respect and self-care for the body; balanced habits can be hard to maintain in the western world of beauty standards gone awry.

Personal health and well-being is a priority but not one that we're taught or given permission to put at the top of the list. Our bodies of ancient wisdom are left out and left for last when They are literally the key tool of Earth functioning.



Stress is ubiquitous in modern western society. If you're not super stressed out, you must not be trying hard enough. We can't find time for self or to unplug completely and recharge. So many people are so tired all the time. Running on empty and feeling low energy and not getting enough sleep or proper nutrition is a basis line of living.

How is your happiness and fulfillment level? There is a general feeling in modern society of long being unfulfilled - non-specifically, "Is this all there is?" kind of malignancy. 

This isn’t even an exhaustive list… life is a chore when we are not in connection with and guided by our Authentic Soul Self.


 Accountable to Self

Coaching these issues isn't a quick fix. Very little gets clarified in one visit. Life change is a commitment and accountability to yourself and the process. Anamchara Coaching is a commitment to allow yourself to walk a new path and be in a new relationship with your Self, with others and with the world. This requires a willingness to think things differently which makes everything different.

Thinking different means feeling different which make life different. Speaking up and sharing accomplishments and standing in your worth and value, shifts the experience at a stuck job and makes room for new opportunities.


 Magick happens when we accept ourselves exactly as we are.

Change happens when we accept where we are.

Your relationship to money will shift, even if there's no outward change to finances. The magick of a perception shift is how it impacts decision making. Having more control over your choices and getting in touch with what finance means to you, emotionally shifts the way you view how money shows up in all of your relationships. This gets to the root of the finance problem instead of just bandaging the bleed.

Relationships can shift in an instant when we work on our own twisted ties and baggage. Attracting a partner who stays and is reliable is magnetic when we've done the work that blocked our sense of being valuable and worthy of an enriching relationship.

No relationship is happily ever after - but knowing your worth attracts someone worthy who is willing to do the partnership work required to make a relationship that thrives and nurtures both partners.


Shifting resistance in self will automatically shift close family dynamics. You are no longer playing the role that you were assigned which means the entire structure and dynamic of the family shifts to accommodate your new expression of self.

This can be rocky.

Establishing boundaries and supporting self-worth requires others in your life to adjust behaviours because the old pattern doesn't work anymore. Some issues may resolve naturally and some may resolve because problematic people exit your life.

Some people will be unable to grow in response to your expansion. Their vacancy is an invitation to others who are energetically matching your presence in the world.

The Anamchara Coaching relationship will change your life depending on the level of attention and commitment to the process you are willing to give, and how open to the experience you are willing to be. Coaching is an investment in your longing, in your dreams and your right to live this life to the fullness that you are willing to accept.


 The false stories we believe

Often we look at a situation and tell ourselves false stories about our worth based on what we received in that particular situation. This is a story of what we believe we're worth - not what we are actually worth.

A big part of the Anamchara Coaching relationship is holding space and supporting you in finding and transforming those stories into truthful acceptance of your actual worth and value.

Finding the limiting beliefs and blocked possibilities are the gold mine of the coaching relationship. These unconscious beliefs rule your life and plant barriers to your experiences, achievements and opportunities. They're not even real. They're vapour.

You are running enormous amounts of energy into keeping your vapour prison alive.

You have the freedom and sovereignty to discover for yourself what your life means to you and what you want to change and what you're able to achieve.

You. You call the shots. You decide the program of education. You decide the path and the boundaries.


The coaching relationship means freedom and sovereignty to create your life in the image of your joy. There are literally no barriers to that reality - aside from what you believe is possible. And those barriers can be dissolved through the Anamchara Coaching relationship.

You are powerful magick, capable of transforming your world into something unrecognizable to the you of last year. I know this is true. I have experienced this as true. There is nothing special or unique about me or about you in this regard. We are capable of amazing things when we are in an Anamchara relationship that provides on going support and dedication to dissolving anything that stands in the way of your authentic Soul expression.

This process asks for your willingness to be uncomfortable. Are you willing to be new and process feelings long dormant? Are you willing to experience the discomfort of a new role or new job or new relationship? Are you willing to experience the change that comes with becoming more yourself?


Modalities I Use in Coaching

A Coaches toolkit is filled with a variety of techniques designed to help the Client see the possibility of a new way.

These are some of my tools:

  • Active Listening

  • Direct Ways of Knowing

  • Land as First Teacher

  • Body Energy Systems

  • Trauma-Informed Care

  • NLP

  • Gestalt

  • Family Systems Theory

  • Family Constellations Theory

 What to expect:


If you're interested please book in for a free 30 minute 'vibe check". This is a chemistry check to make sure we click. This is deeply personal work and trust is required, so we need to be compatible.

  • If vibe check is a go - choose your level of Anamchara Coaching commitment - 1 session, or multiple sessions.

  • Expect to receive an intake package - which may be a "formalization" of our vibe check conversation. I want to know your goals and needs as far as you know them, before we begin.

  • After sending me your completed intake package, you'll receive a scheduling link to schedule our session(s).

  • We'll meet over Zoom via audio and/or video - whatever you’re most comfortable with. Our sessions will be recorded and made available to download.

    About Refunds and Satisfaction

  • Either party may end the Anamchara Coaching relationship at their discretion.

  • A refund of unused pre-paid sessions will be given in full in the case of ending the Anamachara coaching relationship.

  • No refund will be given for completed sessions.

  • Both parties agree to be transparent and open to discuss the nature of the Anamchara coaching relationship and ask for changes to the relationship as needed.

  • This is a deeply personal and intimate relationship. My goal is to create safe space for you to expand your sense of Soul Identity and Being in the world. I am always open to discuss what I can do to make that a better experience for you.

In my robe filming a Tiktok video. Lol.
