Beloved Presence

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12. Remembrance

Take it out into the World.

How different is your inner world to your outer one? How often do you leave ideas, thoughts and feelings unsaid?

Our only purpose on Earth is to authentically express our Essence while we’re here. That’s it. That’s all. The only true and real purpose is to live and express in harmony with our Soul Self.

Sounds easy… but fear.

It’s okay. There is always time and all the reasons we fear sharing our authentic Self were learned to keep us feeling safe and loved and wanted and taken care of.

These are not small things.

To reconnect to our life purpose, we need to step out of comfort and safety and take the risk of sharing Self. Today we start with gratitude and appreciation. Take that inner gratitude, that unspoken appreciation and send it out into the world so it can work it’s magick - on others and yourself.

Sending your gratitude out into the world makes room in yourself for gratitude to land in return. Giving makes more room for receiving.

No one teaches us this, but it’s a fundamental law of Creation.

What gratitude and appreciation do you have to share?

The Practice