4. Asking
We get what we ask for.
We have total free will and we can choose to ignore guidance.
It’s okay.
We have the free will to create any view of the world we want - right from heaven here and now to hell and everything in between. We have the freedom to see and live it, but anything that isn't love and inclusion is a mistake. It's choosing the wrong way to see things. It's okay.
Creator honours our free will and doesn't push or command or demand. Our will is sacred and Creator will have no one come to Them who does not come with complete consent.
So we have to ask - for EVERYTHING.
Assume the Universe gives us nothing that we don't ask for. Nothing. Not one little thing - so we must be the most annoying, needy little Children of Creator that we are. This is okay.
Beloved Presence is the unconditionally loving, infinitely patient, supportive parent we've always needed - and They are always right here with us whenever we need them. Our job is to ask and to learn how to communicate.
Story Time: My Great-Gramma
My friend Julie is a pretty good psychic. She's given me goose bumps more than a few times with her messages. I am still integrating an experience around asking that happened with her.
My great grandmother Agnes was a very forceful woman. A bit of a bitch really. (This is my experience with her. My cousins and aunts have very different perceptions of her.) I only met her once when I was little and she pulled my hair because I was "too precocious". She was mean.
Agnes barged her way into Julie's psychic DM's and hung around for a few weeks. She was very aggressive and a little unpleasant and annoyed me overly with empty platitudes. Saying "too big for her britches", and "don't judge until you walk a mile in their shoes", which gives side eye because she was the most superior, judgemental woman in our family.
What really made me question the situation was that Aggie was still doing exactly what she was doing when she was alive. Choring on the homestead.
Why? WHY?
The whole universe is open to you, wtf are you doing living out your physical life STILL? It's been almost 50 years - don't you want to do other stuff? (Lol - this thought becomes really funny in reference to my “future me edit”.)
Through Julie, I asked what she wanted or if she had anything to say and nothing resonated. She made dire warnings implied that I didn't really understand anything and insisted repeatedly that I was too arrogant for my own good.
I kept asking what she wanted and why she was still around. She was here for a reason and it wasn't to criticize or cast aspersions, though Agnes herself didn't seem to have a clue.
So finally, in exasperation I said, "I don't know what it's like on your side, but I suspect it isn't much different from here and if you want something you ASK for it and if you need something you ask, if you don't understand, you ask. You don't get anything and nothing changes and nothing moves if you don't ask for it, so whatever you want or need, JUST ASK." and 'poof', she was gone and Julie hasn't heard from her since.
Sometimes others have a lesson for us. Sometimes we’re a lesson for others.
Just because we've moved on from the physical plane doesn't mean we've suddenly become 'woke' and evolved and have all the answers. Apparently we can be as ignorant and stubborn in death as we were in life - but asking for help when we don't know is always the best choice for both here and beyond the veil.
Ask for help in every situation, for every little thing that we need. Ask out loud or in writing or internal prayer or visuals or whatever way we have communicated to the invisible world our whole lives - do that. Ask all of Creation for what you want and need.
Do it often and in every situation.
Ask for understanding, faith, belief, strength, patience, clarity, information, direction, answers....
Bring every secret, every pain, every grief or concern to Beloved Presence and await the peace and calm that comes with allowing Beloved Presence to handle the burden and guide us back to oneness. Keep no thought from Beloved Presence. Nothing we think is private anyway and what we try and hide is what we become.
We don't have to have "pure" thoughts, but give our discomfort and our judgements about our thoughts to Beloved Presence.
Allow ourselves to experience peace and calm and a sense of supported well-being.
This will take practice. It is okay.
Lately, I've just been asking for generic help - then what I need arrives.
I don't know anymore why I feel the way I do, nor do I understand why certain things upset me the way they do.
Knowing why doesn't always help.
Knowing why is often about assigning fault and judgement to people and situations outside myself - which is also ultimately unhelpful. I still like to know why, because it feels like knowing myself better, but I'm quicker to drop it and ask for help from Beloved Presence when I'm caught in a judgement loop.
I'm slowly giving up my decision-making process to Beloved Presence. When I - as small, limited, human me - decide for myself what's best for my life, we get results that are small and limited and often hit or miss. When I allow Beloved Presence to decide, I become aligned with universal purpose that creates benefits for the whole that go far beyond my small mind's ability to comprehend.
The results are better for everyone and are better for me than anything I could have planned for myself.
Yesterday I was walking in the woods with my nephew. He asked what I envisioned for the future of humanity. I gave him the broad strokes and shared what I'd love to see, but then I added a caveat.
"This is just what I can imagine, I know that all of us, guided by Creator, working together can create a social system and a world that's better than anything I can imagine on my own."
Let's ask for that.
The Practice
If checkmarks don’t work for you, don’t worry about it. Skip this part. Who cares? Not me. Not you.
Find something that does work for you - something that keeps you engaged in the process of inviting relationship with your Soul Self. Maybe the doing is enough.