Beloved Presence

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Christianity is a Third Wheel on the Best Date Ever

I believe in loving inclusion. No exceptions.

Everything in existence lives within the loving inclusion of Spirit.

Christian middle finger pie. OMG what a tragic pumpkin. Read the thread - it’s HILARIOUS.

That’s just how it’s made, that’s how we’re made - that’s just how existence is. Christianity puts a big dirty middle finger into the center of that beautiful pie. They talk a lot of nice words about love and forgiveness and blah, blah, but there is so much exclusion and judgement and gate-keeping and specialness to the Christian belief system that loving inclusion gets dumped out the back door when it comes to how the religion actually embodies it’s beliefs in the world.

Love the sinner, hate the sin. Blargh. Fuck off.

Sin is simply missing the mark - it’s getting it wrong and trying again. Christianity is so worked up about sin and it really just means 'try again'. The Church itself are the biggest sinners on the planet.

We do not have the authority to judge "sin" or mistakes in anyone else's life.

No one has that authority except Creator. We don’t even have the authority to judge ourselves - because we lack the understanding of how all of Creation is working together for the benefit of all. We lack that perspective so lack the authority to hold judgement against ourselves for anything.

It doesn’t mean we don’t course-correct, but we don’t judge our worth as we make new and better choices.

We do have the sovereignty to say “that didn’t feel like peace”, "not for me", "these are my boundaries", "I don't want to be treated like that, I will not stay", but we don't have the position or authority to know what is wrong for another. No one does, except that person and Beloved Presence.

That's it.

Creation is so vast and complex and multi-dimensionally interwoven that no one knows how all the pieces are supposed to fit together and what is right or wrong for one another. Hopefully, we know our own experience and feelings and beliefs about our own lives and actions... but that's still a stretch for so many - who then is fully equipped to be making proclamations about how anyone else lives?

Infinity Flower of Life - how can we judge anything when it’s this? This is what I saw as “the field of everything” during my first mystical event.

No one.

Especially not a religious institution that misunderstands wholiness and judges and excludes and says exclusion is what god wants.

Fucking no way They want that.

I will say plainly that any Christian church that excludes anyone for any reason in the name of Christ has missed the mark - by A LOT. They have fundamentally misunderstood the message of Jesus and what the Christ represents in the world.

Make no mistake - I am absolutely not a Christian, but I do love and embrace the Christ in all beings. This is the miracle we can offer to all beings - the recognition of another un-separated with us in the wholiness of Spirit. The Church got it so wrong.

If you’re interested, A Course in Miracles speaks about the Christ from this perspective.

The Christ isn't one man tied to a particular belief system. The Christ is the recognition of the wholiness of Spirit in all things. Christ is acting in the world with that recognition of wholiness for all things, in all situations.

It's not just Christ - it's Buddha and Allah, it's Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva, it's Jack in the copy room and Olivia driving the bus and Misaki at the bar after work and it's Joao at the call center and Chima and Nala sitting their exams. It's the Trees and the Birds and the Animals and the Water and the Wind. It's everything in existence, no exceptions.

When there is no exception to the complete oneness of wholiness, we spend our time repairing and remembering parts of ourselves and our world that we have separated from ourselves and from our oneness. It's damaging to have an institution teaching supposed 'spiritual truths' to be founded in the separation and specialness of it's particular flavour of divinity.

The Christ - the recognition of living in an inclusive, loving Creation, becomes the name of one individual. The Christ is a title, a role, a living, evolving process of recognizing ourselves and the world we inhabit as inspirited.

“The only son of God” - where did the rest of everything come from?

"There's only ONE son of God and he's only available from our ONE TRUE FAITH." The Christ is inSpirited in everything - teach that. Stop teaching that communion with Spirit is only possible through Jesus, the church and church leaders. It's insane and it's false.

Christianity has been gate-keeping "divine presence on Earth" in the form of their flavour of Jesus. It's only this one time and only this one way and only how we say, when we say, for who we say it's for.

The Church's power and authority is rooted in teaching human beings that we will forever fall short of the expectations of Creator. We will never be good enough, wise enough or loving enough to be like Jesus while alive on the planet. When we are taught by "spiritual authorities" that we are fundamentally unworthy and unable to be like our divine role models, we will meet those expectations. We become what we are taught to become and the Christian church exists to keep us shame bound, exclusive, supremacist, indebted sinners so they can continue to provide us with "salvation".

We do not need institutions of spirit when we can have divine relationship with ourselves and experience divine presence in relationship with anyone or any being.

The entirety of Creation is inSpirited and our communion with Spirit is available everywhere, in all things, at all times. We just don't recognize it as such and we've been told to put the authority and the permission of that communion outside ourselves into institutions of faith.

I used to work for a company that was owned by Christadelphians. We were talking about communication with god and the reaction to saying I was in communication with god on a regular basis was shocking to me, but probably what you’d expect from church leaders. They were skeptical, dismissive and scornful.

Christadelphians believe that truth can only be found in the Bible and that the Bible is basically infallible. LOL!

THE FOUNDATION -- That the book currently known as the Bible, consisting of the Scriptures of Moses, the prophets, and the apostles, is the only source of knowledge concerning God and His purposes at present extant or available in the earth, and that the same were wholly given by inspiration of God in the writers, and are consequently without error in all parts of them, except such as may be due to errors of transcription or translation. (This paragraph was added in 1886.)
2 Tim. 3:16; 1 Cor. 2:13; Heb. 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:21; 1 Cor. 14:37; Neh. 9:30; John 10:35.

They made it clear that if they, respected, baptized, devoted to the book and god, church elders - were barely worthy to be in communication with god, then certainly an unbaptized, heretical, secular, pagan woman like myself sure as shit wasn’t communicating with god.

"You're just 'hearing voices'." Lol. They literally said that to me. About my personal relationship to Spirit. (It actually makes me sad that I spent any amount of energy on their perspective.) I guess judging me delusional is more comfortable than entertaining the reality that I might actually be communicating directly with Creator.

That I actually speak for Beloved Presence.

Because I don't fit their criteria of who is ALLOWED to be worthy of god. Judgement is the quickest way for us to cut ourselves off from Spirit. Especially when we judge who or what is or is not good enough to be part of wholiness.

We exist.

Existence is the only requirement to communicate with Spirit. Existence is the only requirement to be loved and valued in wholiness.

And I might be wrong about existence. Maybe we don't even have to exist to be a loved and included part of wholiness.

We exist in a Creation that is made of loving inclusion.

We can have a direct and immediate relationship with Spirit at every moment moment. There is no need for an intermediary. There is no one and no institution that has the power to tell us what our relationship with Spirit looks like or feels like. No one.

Peace, and love and acceptance is the guide to our rightness with whatever we choose to call god. That's it. That's all. The end.

Lol. There is no end.

Loving inclusion is forever.

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