Gaolach Làthaireachd / Beloved Presence

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The Fruits of Separation Sickness

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Ancestral healing has prompted me to take a closer look at the trauma history of my Ancestors and make the very real connection to how these wounds are showing up in my own life.

So much of our Ancestors’ trauma resulted in distorted and twisted world views about the nature of reality, the nature of being alive, our worth, and what welcome we can expect while we’re here in the World of Form. These false assumptions of truth need to be examined and healed for us to be free to create Magick here.

Yes. Magick. Literal, actual Magick.

Magick is the result of wholeness. Believing, living and acting in the undifferentiated knowing wholeness of Land + Spirit, fite fuaite together forever. Tir agus Anam Fite Fuaite Gu Bràth.

It’s Magick.

Magick is healing the First Wound of all wounds; Separation Sickness.

There are 3 Wounds in the World of Form and Separation Sickness is responsible for all of them. Separation Sickness is the root the way Judaism is the root of Islam and Christianity. The additional two wounds are how Separation Sickness shows up, specifically for women, and how Separation Sickness shows up in our relationship with Land.

These are the Witch Wound and the Wendigo Way.

The One Wound

There is only one wound, and it’s the wound that happened when we first believed separation can even exist and be real at all. It’s the belief that we are this small, frail, weak body and our power and worth are derived from this physical form, separate from all the everything else that exists in the Universe.

Separation Sickness is the root of feeling unloved and unlovable, feeling vulnerable and unsafe, feeling alone and separate from others and feeling specifically, cut off from Spiritual Presence. The result of Separation Sickness is fear. Fear isn’t the root or the cause of Separation Sickness. Fear is the the result of believing that Separation from all that exists is even possible.

The belief in separation created fear.

We felt the fear and believed there was a real reason for the fear, instead of knowing fear’s purpose. Fear exists to show us where we’re getting it wrong. Fear’s purpose only, is to show us how we are believing in separation. All fear is caused by belief in cut off - cut off from one another, cut off from Land, cut off from Spirit, and cut off from the Presence of wholeness with us at all times.

We know separation feels bad - but we believe that both the feeling bad, and the separation itself are our own fault.


We believe the cut off is real and should be feared, and we believe we are at fault for it all because we’re bad and deserve to be punished.

Aww. We’re all little toddlers who need hugs and reassurance that we’re okay, exactly as we are.

What happens instead is the belief in our justifiable punishment for committing “sin”. Sin being the complete and eternal transgression of “god’s” law instead of the “oopsy, got it wrong” that sin actually means.

We believe in our own badness.

We believe in the badness of (whatever) transgression, and we believe in the justification for and the righteousness of our punishment. We also learn to fear the punishing authority; be it god, the government, church leaders, bosses, teachers, spouses or parents. The punishing authority we often miss is the worst one; ourselves.

When we buy into a world model of sin and punishment we become our own worst judge, jury and executioner. What we believe about ourselves we project as true upon the world. We see our own self-imprisonment as obvious, natural and divinely ordained, and never question whether it’s true or real or useful.

Sickness comes when we build structures, systems and societies around our belief in separation.

We are not “Special”

Outside of unconditional, welcoming wholeness, there are binaries that circle one another in ways that we are mostly ignorant. Separation gives rise to “specialness”. If we do not believe that every Being is warmly welcomed in wholeness exactly as They are, than some Beings are better and closer to “right” than others. This can be made into a hierarchy in whatever way you want to make it - it doesn’t matter. It does not matter one bit what the defining reasons for “special” are in the false hierarchy of “better than” that we create. Not a single difference matters.

Click images below to open in a lightbox. Click here for source.

What matters is knowing that every circumstance of “separate” creates shame, and the pseudo-salve to shame is superiority. This is the binary created by separate and special. Separate but “special”. Superiority and shame.

Specialness and belief in superiority breeds shame. “Separate but equal” delusion.

The pain of the belief in separation is so intense that instead of considering for a moment that we aren’t separate, have never been separate - that it’s impossible to ever be separate from Spirit + Land; we console ourselves with our specialness over other separate Beings and hug our toxic superiority to our wounded hearts and create things like religious exclusion, slavery and all of western society. Lol.

All of the -isms found in western society, all slavery and violent oppression, have their roots in the belief of separation which leads to fear of the “other” and a desperate clinging to the wound of superiority as the ego’s booby-prize. All the hierarchical systems in our society are shame-based “specialness”. Western societal hierarchies are a reaction to the first wound belief that we are separate, alone, unloved and unlovable.


The presence of ancient Animism, evidenced in all human communities, all over the globe, points to a time when human beings lived as part of an un-separated whole with all of the Natural world. Separation Sickness may have come into being when we first enslaved women, established “god-kings” and started to treat the Land as something to be owned and exploited, instead of cherished and adored.

When the nucleus of belief in separation metastasizes, we become forever” separated from everything; separate from Land and Nature and the Beings of the Land. We separate ourselves from Nature and set ourselves above Land and above all non-human Beings and above other groups of human beings. We value ourselves and our “in” group and see every other group as expendable and exploitable. If you’re not like “us” we can use you for our own benefit and not feel bad about it because ‘divinely ordained hierarchy of worth’. Yuck. It’s a mind prison and isn’t true or real or required.

Tir agus Anam Fite Fuaite Gu Bràth.

Land and Spirit are Woven + Sewn For Eternity.

Did you know that in quantum mechanics, the math can never get back to nothing? There are no models for what happened before Space + Time. Our universe can never be separated into Form vs. Spirit. Land is always present, always woven and sewn with Spirit. There is a tiny favouritism in our Universe towards Matter over Anti-matter.

Click images to open in lightbox. All images from The Cartoon History of Time by Kate Charlesworth + John Gribbin.

Material Reductionist Science

I don’t HATE material reductionist science. I do hate that it has been delivered to the western world as the only legitimate mode of knowledge and the only acceptable model of reality. Material reductionist science is a great tool, but it’s not the only tool in the toolbox. It is a piece of the pie, not the whole pie. Material reductionist science is the learning model you get in Separation Sickness - where you see the world as fractured and separate and a result of the coming together of component parts.

You cannot know flight by dissecting a bird:

There is knowledge in categorizing and breaking things apart to look at what things are made of, but it is limited and there is no “god particle”. We will never find TOE in fragmentation. There will be no end to looking and finding, smaller and smaller into infinity, bigger and bigger into infinity.

Preon Theory has offered that “preons” may be smaller than Quarks, but as of yet, they are experimentally unproven. Keep looking, keep finding…

Objectivity Doesn’t Exist

Wisdom comes from relationship; where what we learn always includes the whole. Even us. We are the center of our own perspective and cannot be separate from seeing.

God, the Divine Architect. Illumination from Bible moralisée,1250, Austrian National Library (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)

There is no objectivity. It’s one of the great failings of science - this insistence on being an “observer” of the world. No one is outside of the thing they are observing. The Observer Effect bakes that right into the fabric of reality.

Western society, through a millennium of distorted and inaccurate belief, formed a concept of self as separate, distant and removed from the world we inhabit. We have been cut off at source from understanding ourselves as creative, powerful beings connected intimately with and inseparable from Land + Spirit. We were moved from being within and a part of Nature, to outside of the creation to “observe”. We are Nature.

God as Watchmaker” was a poisonous teleology. The attempt to prove the existence of a patriarchal, hierarchical, separate “god” through material reductionist science was one of many nails in the coffin of the Presence of Spirit in the World of Form, and cut us off from the infinite wholeness that is the nature of reality.

The power of the scientific revolution came from being the “top of the hierarchy” to decide what is knowledge, what is reality, what is valid and acceptable methods of discovery of knowledge and deliver that as proven and true and the only acceptable version of the world.

Scientific Separation Sickness.

I wish mechanistic, reductionist science could have some humility and allow that what is known right now and how that modality gains knowledge is not everything. They do not have the answers to reality. Far from it.

Below are some comics I made about science being another kind of belief system - not "objective truth” as science would like to claim. Click images to open in lightbox.

Ridiculed Mavericks Vindicated

This is a great list of scientists and situations, links and information that should give everyone pause from blindly assuming material reductionist science holds absolute objective truth.

One tool in the toolbox only. One piece in the pie of knowing.

Sargon the Great, First recorded Ruler of an Empire. His grand-son Naram-Sin is considered the first known “God-King”.

It’s all made up.

When our base foundation is separation - everything turns into a hierarchy. When our base functioning is separation sickness we need to be “special” to maintain the right to be at the top. We need “specialness” to be anywhere but the bottom. We need something different and “special” to explain why we are making all the rules and controlling all the things and getting the best and most of everything and not sharing with anyone else.

We must be ‘better’ and more ‘special’.

In hierarchies, we must prove why we deserve all this advantage. Then we had to make you believe and accept our reasons for our advantage. We do this by “logic” or by threat.

First it was the divine right of kings - “god said so”.

Now it’s the “objective” truth of science or the “neutral” results of the market. All the systems we have were made up and continue to be made up based on structures that benefit a few for no other reason than that they benefit the few.

None of the structures of our unjust and inequitable society acknowledge the subjective design and bias inherent in all the decision making processes - from the very beginning. Every decision in every structural cog was made to advantage a few over the many. Period. Over and over again.

Restrictions and control over access to money, power, education, land, resources, and community are designed to prevent us from coming into our full wisdom, freedom and power and joining together to make a new world.

Restriction and control over ways of knowing and being in the world are required to maintain and continue the power structures and institutions as they exist right now. Call it “divine law” or “scientific proof” or “the economy” - it is all a self-referencing intellectual pablum akin to the bible; it is so, because we say it is so and there is no other way but what we say.

Colonization | Christianity | Capitalism - the 3-headed made-up structures of the current western world view.

This mode is subject to the whims and lack of vision of the ruling class. We are stymied by the bridle of obligation to keep a pampered elite in power instead of actually revolutionizing and revitalizing all the systems for the benefit and edification of all. It’s such a colossal waste of passion and resources.

All ways of knowing have to be vetted and passed through a filter of “acceptance” that either strengthens the current separation sickness world view or is rejected outright. Historically, we have been punished for pursuing ways of knowing that bring the system and structures themselves into question.

Control over ways of knowing separates us from Land and prevents us from accessing wisdom from Spirit + Land directly. Rejecting and discrediting ways of knowing outside the parameters of “acceptable-objective-material-reductionist-science” prevents new knowledge that can only be gained in ways outside of the structure of “objective” science.

Similarly, claiming the time of prophecy is over prevents the informing of new prophecy in the world. The ruling class in Spirit, the church leaders, have a vested interest in maintaining the old ways that upholds their power and authority by preventing any new revelation from transforming the strict structures of separation sickness that support their supposed “god-given” hierarchy.

These same authorities will punish the knowledge keepers and scorn and deride ways of knowing in which they have no understanding because these direct ways of knowing threaten the existing, failing power structure.

The current systems are all based in the separation sickness of fear, which function best when you are disconnected from your ground, from your worth, from your wholeness and from your ability to have a direct and transformational relationship with Spirit in the World of Form.

Witches are habitually in relationship with the Unseen.

We are immersed in speaking Spirit back into Presence in the World. The current leaders will seek to restrict and control Witchy Women and return us to a state of economic and procreative dependence. To stop this transformation of unshackling, there will be another witch hunt and they will try to strip witchy women of personhood again.

Pandora will not be put back in the box.

The women of the world have always been feral, now we know who we are.

“Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.”

~ The Doctor that refused to commit Alice Paul for being an advocate for Women’s Rights.

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