Gaolach Làthaireachd / Beloved Presence

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We Need Witches in the World

Celtic Second Sight + Vision

I talk to the dead.

I communicate with the Unseen. I think we all do to some degree.

We are fite fuaite forever.


Tuar is an Irish + Gaelic term that means second sight, prophecy, psychic ability - basically, communication with the Unseen. This gift is our ancestral inheritance. Accepting this gift into your life is part of healing your roots and connection to your ancient Celtic lineage.

Tuar is common, expected and warmly welcomed in our relationship with the world. Augeries, oracles, prophecy, vision, mediumship and fortune telling are all legitimate and valid ways of knowing. Our ancestors lived, since time immemorial, with the gift of tuar as an integral part of our wisdom traditions.

Tuar is a legitimate and valid way of knowing.

This way of knowing is part of traditional wisdom for Indigenous nations all over the globe. Living with Land and being in communication and connection with Land for millennia leads to direct knowing from the Land. Land teaches us directly. Spirit teaches us directly. Indigenous Celtic peoples knew and lived this truth in our own indigenous homelands.

Celtic descendants on Turtle Island are re-learning the truths of our inheritance through the wisdom of the People of this Land.

The Indigenous Nations of Mishiiki Minisi are still connected to the Land and still hold the knowledge and wisdom the Land has taught them.

Indigenous vision and prophecy reminds me of The 7 Fires Prophecy. Healing our roots and reconnecting to our Ancestors is the call of returning to those who went before.

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The people of Earth are re-awakening to expanded ways of knowing.

You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.

Spirit has never been fully erased, no matter how hard the oppressors have tried to control who and where and what and how Spirit is accepted and legitimized here.

The people are awakening.

The people are awaking to all the ways of knowing and we are embracing these ways and anchoring the truth and sharing the knowledge as far and wide as we are able.

This awakening is mirrored all across the globe. Indigenous Nations are rising and revitalizing the ways of their ancestors and following the truth of the Land + Spirit.

The Celtic Peoples’ Return to Roots

The people of the Celtic diaspora are awakening and reconnecting to the ancient wisdom of our peoples on our new homelands. We are braiding the roots of our iron age ancestors and the Land to which we newly belong. We are reconnecting to ancient ways of knowing that come directly from Land + Spirit. Fite fuaite gu bràth.

Celtic peoples do not think of ourselves as Indigenous people.

We are not Indigenous to our adopted homelands and we have been disconnected and cut off from our original indigenous Lands.

I have encountered resistance online to my claiming connection to Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales through my very Celtic ancestors. I am claimed by my ancestors and I claim them in return; yet there are those who would define, limit and reject my attempts to reconnect roots to my rightful Indigenous homelands.

We are all indigenous to some place. No one can define your ancestry for you, nor dictate your experience of your ancestors on your new homelands.

The people of the Celtic diaspora have a responsibility to reconnect to our new Lands. We have a personal responsibility and a spiritual mandate to root our Celtic Indigeneity into our adopted homelands with love and honour and respect for the People of this Land.

Learning about and healing roots and cut off for Settlers (“white” people), is happening on Turtle Island. We’re not healing cut off to be rooted in Ireland or Scotland or England or Wales.

We are learning about our Ancestral inheritance and healing roots to belong to THIS PLACE.

For however long it takes, the Land is patiently waiting for us to reconnect heart and roots to belong to the Land again. The Land offers us loving and warm welcome.

Tha na Cailleachan a’freumhachadh air Mishiike Minisi.

The Witches are rooting on Turtle Island.

The World needs Witches.

The modern image of the witch is all that’s left of our ancient Celtic indigenous land-based spiritual and cultural practice.

Celtic descendants all over the planet have the Witch Wound to heal.

The Witch Wound is a great and ongoing oppression and devaluation of Western European direct knowing and relationship with Land + Spirit. It is primarily a female wound and hinders the embodiment and actioning of our valuable, ancient and legitimate land-based, ancestor connected wisdom.

Christianity Sucks

Christianity is a major contributor to the witch wound in it’s prohibition to witches and the resulting target and attack of women perceived as being powerful, wise, weird and outspoken.

The prohibition of witches in the bible specifically targets “whispering”, or those who whisper. This is about the muttering of spells, but is also connected to our whispering with our Ancestors, and speaking in our native tongue.

This is why the people of Western Europe and Western European immigrants to Turtle Island and other “New Worlds” have little to no rooted Ancestor practices in our cultural and spiritual inheritance.

Connection to ancestors is powerful, healing and rooting to the people. Ancestor connection literally keeps us vital and connected to Land, and the wisdom, energy, power and charisma of those who went before.

Cut off in Land AND Spirit

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The ancestor cut off goes both ways - we are cut off from them in the World of Form and they are prevented from communicating with us from the Unseen because we believe that they cannot or should not reach us. To do so, to talk to the “dead”, to communicate with the Unseen is perceived by Christianity and it’s supporters as evil, demonic, blasphemous or at the very least, morally corrupt.

I have a deep dislike towards Christianity and how those who would support it’s authority seek to limit and police the female experience and expression of spiritual wisdom, power and freedom in the world. Witch Wisdom is what’s needed right here, right now.

The rejection, judgement and oppressive control of women by the Christian church is a great trauma for the world. It is a violent severing of roots from safe ground. It is the wound that once healed, will build the bridge of heart’s return to the bosom of Land.

People will fear and loathe Witches.

I was recently characterized as being exploitative and having a “disgusting lack of moral compass” for speaking with the “dead”. The accusers clearly wanted me to be ashamed of my gifts and how I share my gifts with the world.

I am not ashamed and I will not stop sharing the wisdom of the “dead”. The “dead” do not stop and they are not separated from us. You can communicate with your beloved “dead” if you want. They are not gone. They do not stop. A woman’s lack of shame can be an emotional trigger to those that want to control the limits of Spirit in the World of Form.

Witches are healing ancient wounds and bringing back into the conscious world what was, for a time, believed to be set apart from our daily lives.

Tir agus anam fite fuaite gu bràth. Land + Spirit are woven and sewn together forever.

Those who are wounded by oppression will become the oppressors when they refuse to heal their own closed hearts. When we deny love and welcome to anyone, we are perpetuating the wound of cut off, we continue the wound and the lie of a separation that can never exist.

So many Celts in the world.

The Celtic diaspora is the biggest in the world. It is the exportation of a trauma. It is the emigration of a twisted and wounded supremacy, all over the globe.

Today there are more Irish, Scottish, English and Welsh descendants living in the New Worlds than there are living on the islands of our indigenous homelands. The call to the Celtic diaspora is to heal and reconnect to your roots, heal and reconnect to your ancestors on your new adopted homelands.

Embrace your power as a Weird Sister.

Reconnect to the magick that is your rightful inheritance.

We need witches to walk the bridge of cut off between the Seen and Unseen, between Spirit and Land and share the reality of fite fuaite with the world.

Woven and sewn, woven and sewn together. Created together and can never be parted.

We are specifically positioned to do this work because we are walking the path of return to a Land that has never been cut off from the People. The Indigeneous Nations of Mishiike Minisi, that our ancestors tried to erase, are the key to the revitalization, rejuvenation and welcome return to our own Celtic cultural inheritance.

Witches and Pagans support and uphold valid and legitimate ways of knowing that exist outside of the narrow scope of material reductionist science. Material reductionist science, Christianity, Colonization, White Supremacy, Capitalism… these are structures of belief in the lie of a fractured, hierarchical world.

That world is not real.

It doesn’t exist, has never existed.

We believed in a lie that we could be separated from Land, separated from Spirit. We can only believe the lie for so long before Land + Spirit demand our return to wholeness. This is the call that cannot be denied.

The truth of the world is the ongoing and eternal oneness of Spirit in the World of Form. Tir agus anam fite fuaite gu bràth.

Assume loving guidance.

Assume you are known and loved by all of the Universe. Assume synchronicity is assistance from Creation and allow yourself to be held and supported in the embrace of Spirit + Land fite fuaite.

The practice of your highest vision for the world, is what’s needed in the world.

The Time is Now, for living out your highest vision. The Time is Now for living out loud in the World, the transformative reality that you have brought with you.

The Practice

  • What do you need to embrace your magick and a magickal world?

  • How can you support yourself in saying yes to magick in your life?

  • Make a journal. Krk_wd calls this an “X-file”.

  • Find some way to record and keep your experiences of magick and synchronicity and Spirit in the World of Form. They are fite fuaite but the experience and the knowing it brings fades quickly in this pervasive insistent belief in separation.

  • Ask the Universe to show you magick.

  • Ask the Universe to teach you magick… and then accept the magick when it arrives.

Your self-doubt is unbecoming. Your self doubt is not weird enough for the truth of you.

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