15. Earth Love
In this Heart
I sat down to write this on the day that Sinéad O’Connor died.
Universal Mother was the soundtrack to my Mystical Awakening. Sinéad’s song Famine helped open the door to my ancestral healing. Hers is the song I sing to the Earth:
In my early 30’s, I lived in Toronto (when rent was affordable), in a basement apartment. I would lie on the floor with my face against the Earth and sing this song to Them.
If you want to get the Earth’s attention, sing to Them with heart feeling and you are connected forever. Thank you Sinéad. 💜
In the past, people seem to respond most negatively when I share the point of view that plants are just as valuable as animals and that eating carrots and peas and grains and beans is the same as eating meat. You may receive this just as negatively - but it’s true.
When we eat, we kill.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a radish or a lamb. It’s the same in the eyes of wholiness. Everything that exists is a part of the indivisible whole and there is no hierarchy of worth in the Universe.
“When you can feel the loss of a single blade of Grass as you would for the mightiest Oak - only then you will know how to love the World.”
Having said that, I try to eat as much non-meat as my carnivore-loving husband will tolerate. We do not currently have an animal-for-sustainence industry that meets any kindness or kin-ness targets. That will change.
In the meantime - let’s connect with our Beloved plant-kins and landkins.
The whole world is alive and in communication with us.
Let’s practice being aware and participating in communication with Them.
All of these plants were grown from seed and I am very proud and attached to every one of them.
The Practice
Plant a garden, even if it's a single pot on your balcony.
Put your hands in the soil and watch seeds you nurture return our love with the fruits of their labour.
Talk to your garden.
Pay attention to Them.
Attention is love.
Listen to what They have to say to you.
Listening is love.
Follow through with Their requests.
Love your garden, and let Them love you back.
Choose a cheesy love song and sing/lip sync/dance it to your Garden / Tree / House Plants /Pets (non-human) being.
As you do, make note in your mind that you are performing a love song to Creator at the same time.
What you do to the smallest being, you do to the whole of Creation.
Allow Creation to love you back in whatever way is meaningful to you.
Ask to recognize it when it happens.
Do not allow yourself to doubt or turn a gift from Creation into a coincidence.
Acknowledge in your mind or out loud that you have received the gift and love from Creation in whatever form They choose to gift you.
An unexpected kindness of strangers, unexpected gifts, beautiful smells or sights or sounds or tastes, a feather on your doorstep, a beautiful web dazzling in dew, a grateful animal making satisfied nom nom noises, a shiny marble in the bird bath... these and an infinite number of different gifts can arrive from Creation showing you that you are known and seen and loved.
Recognize them as they arrive for what they are; gifts from the Land who knows you and sees you exactly as you are and loves you dearly for it. No exceptions.
Seriously. You are loved dearly. You are seen and known and held within the loving, joyful embrace of Creation.
We are glad for you. We love you too. No exceptions.