9. Innocence
There’s no sin. You’re not broken.
We are wholiness, we’ve just forgotten.
We are not born into the world with sin. There is no original sin. There was no expulsion from Eden. No crucifixion was need to atone for our sins. We are and have always been in "At-One-Ment" with Creator.
Wholiness is always the state of our existence. We just forget... then made up a bunch of crap that explained what we forgot. None of it is true.
Sin doesn't exist.
Mistake. Oops, try again. NOT burn in eternal damnation hell-fire, bad! Bad! Bad!
It actually means "missing the mark." The word ‘sin’ means we made a mistake.
We forgot what reality actually is and we made a mistake. We were never damned - unless forgetting that we're all one love in the mind of Creator is damnation... which it certainly feels like sometimes.
Story Time
Early on in my learning with ICU I broke through a major block to my at-one-ment on the Earth. I was questioning whether I was even allowed to have the massive dreams for myself and my life that I have and Paul replied, "I don't know, are you?"
There was an immediate and confident response that I didn't want to hear, but it was having it's effect on me anyway - the tears were coming and it felt horrible, just awful and I finally gave a voice to the answer I could hear in my head... am I allowed to have the massive dreams for myself and my life?
"No. You're a piece of shit and you deserve to suffer."
And it felt amazing to say it out loud and to cry and realize that it was a boogeyman - this whole time, it was never real. This whole time I had run from the terrifying “darkness in my soul” - it was only ever a papier-mâché boogeyman.
It wasn't truth. It wasn’t some secret truth, that I'm a guilty piece of shit hated by God and the Earth and everyone, everywhere. It's literally some random bit of dark self-deprecating humour I overheard my dad say when I was too little to know better. I internalized my father’s wound and turned it into Godly TRUTH about who I am, and what the world is, and what it's like to be alive.
We don't need to go seek for the Truth. The Truth IS and it will flow into us with peace and love when we remove the barriers that prevent us from receiving.
We do not need forgiveness from Creator.
We will never get it either because Creator has never damned us. Creator sees us in our love and perfection all the time. There is nothing to be forgiven.
We damn ourselves and one another for our mistakes. Then we ask for God's forgiveness and feel the salvation of forgiving ourselves for our errors.
We are not "bad".
The world is not "bad".
We can make mistakes and hurt and err and stumble. We can get it wrong and make things really hurtful and harmful here, but we are not damned. There is no Hell, unless we choose to see that on Earth. Ultimately, we are either asking for love or giving love and most of the time we're not even aware of it; needing love or giving love. We're asleep at the wheel in both roles, and it's okay.
No one has the right to speak to Beloved Presence or Creator for us, or on our behalf. We can pray for the kin-dom but our rights as descendants of Creation is to have a direct and intimate relationship with Beloved Presence ourselves. It is our birthright and was never, can never, will never be severed.
We don't need priests or popes or imams or ministers or rabbis or High Priestesses. You don't NEED this course or me to communicate with Creation. I'm creating this because I think it will help - but nothing is necessary except the willingness to learn. There are an infinite number of loving ways to communicate with Beloved Presence and they're all okay.
Others enhance the experience of communication with Creation. The others don't have to be human. It's more powerful and experiential to walk and share our spiritual path with other beings. They intensify the experience of every encounter being a holy encounter. No exceptions.
No one is more suited to be the Teacher of the Universe than any other.
The Teacher will be any being that exists and we shouldn't expect that they will only be human.
The only requirement to be a Teacher of Creation is to agree to be one, which also necessitates that we become Students.
Everyone is called to be a Teacher of Beloved Presence.
We teach what we know with every breath we take. Our knowledge and beliefs are broadcast to the world in every thought, word and deed that we create. We broadcast loud and clear what we believe by how we live. We can learn the same way if we're open to being taught by the people and circumstances that show up in our lives.
The Teacher and the Student of Beloved Presence have agreed to use our bodies, and time in this life, and on the Earth, to share the wholeness and unity of Creator.
That's the only class there is.
That's the whole lesson. We keep teaching and learning that love and oneness applies to all situations.
No exceptions.
The Practice
Stand in front of a mirror and say "I love you" to your reflected self.
Look into your own eyes and feel love and awe and gratitude for who you are.
Feel the love and awe and gratitude you have for Beloved Presence and Creator and offer that to the image of yourself in the mirror.
If the divided brain starts to yammer do not pay attention. Just move back to mutual love and gratitude with Creator.
The ego gets afraid when there is open love with self and Creator because this is the truth of life and it knows it's days are numbered.
Allow the unconditional love and awe and gratitude you feel for the world and Beloved Presence to fill you and saturate your cells. By doing this you are allowing the miracle of at-one-ment by acknowledging Creator within you.
Stand in front of a mirror and say to your reflected self:
"I will always love you. No matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter what you think, I will always love you. I will never stop loving you. I am always here with you. I am always loving you."
"There is nothing that you can do that will make me stop loving you. There is no situation or event that will make me leave you. I love you in all ways."By doing this we allow Beloved Presence to exist within us as both Creator and descendant.
Beloved Presence is the infinitely patient, unconditionally loving parent we've always needed.
We embody both. Needy child and generous, nurturing parent. -
For every person you encounter today, make a point to remember your love for self - offer them the same love and gratitude you gave yourself in the mirror.
You are not required to say or do anything, just feel it and think it as you live your day. Think it and it is done. Think it and allow your actions to follow your heart.
There are no exceptions to this exercise. No one and no being is outside of Creation. Every one and every being is deserving of Beloved Presence.
Every encounter is a holy encounter. No exceptions.