Bhraitheann Anam
“Fite Fuaite is the interconnectedness of all things, seen and unseen.”
Bhraitheann Anam Meaning >> 00:33
Caveat regarding “Everything is for us" >> 2:20
Connect to Mothaitheacht / Mothachadh >> 3:30
Centering - connect to the body >> 4:40
Connect to Beloved Presence in the physical world >>6:06
Coincidence doesn’t exist >> 6:58
Body Communication >> 7:25
Frame #1 >> 8:05
Why I use this worksheet >> 8:30
Frame #2 >> 9:05
Perspective Choice >> 9:32
Frame #3 >> 11:31
Frame #4 >> 14:16
Be Gentle with your Trauma >> 15:47
Frame #5 >> 19:51
Frame #6 >> 25:16
Bhraitheann Anam Worksheet
(BREH-hen AH-num)
This means “Feeling Soul” or “Touching Soul” which is exactly what this worksheet helps us practice. It’s a way to keep focused on the communication happening with the natural world and to connect that communication with ourselves and the message that spirit shares through clay.
Before attempting to connect with the natural world, we want to generate feelings of mothaitheacht and bouichas. These are the feelings of love, connection and gratitude with the natural world. This is feeling kinship with all things and feeling wholiness and harmony with our surroundings.
The messages and connections in a state of loving wholiness are the best.
How to Use the Bhraitheann Anam Worksheet:
I use this process when something happens that bothers me or disrupts my peace. Maybe I become aware of some way that I am living a story or allowing a made up meaning in my life direct my life, instead of living from the truth of Beloved Presence.
I use this process when I need help to figure out where I’m stuck.
Frame #1: Attraction
Start with the circle-ish portrait. Take a minute to connect to mothaiteacht and feel connected to your body. Be here. Breath in, breath out… open your eyes and find a part of nature that attracts you. Your attention keeps coming back to the being.
Draw a quick picture or write a description, record what it is that is calling your attention. Animal, plant, insect, natural occurrence - there is no limit on how Creation communicates with us, so everything, every being is fair play.
Celts believe that the unseen is just as real as the seen and that all beings are in-Spirited with Anam. All of Creation shares a universal spirit and can communicate truth and wisdom - so all beings are available for communication.
Wait to put a title under the picture - why will become clear later.
Frame #2: What are the Facts?
This is where you record the nuts and bolts of what happened. What happened that upset peace? What or who triggered you? Who, where, why, what stood out for you? What was interesting or noteworthy?
Don’t analyze. Just record facts.
Frame #3: How Does it Feel?
Look to your heart and your body for information. This is developing our empathetic tool kit. This is how we tune into the spirit wisdom that encompasses all things.
Without judgement and without editing - just simply record how you feel about what happened. What is the story you tell about what happened? How did you feel while it was happening?
Frame #4: Bring Facts & Feeling Together with Memory
This 4th part takes the longest in my experience. There is a memory connected with the feeling story of the current facts situation and how that situation makes you feel.
It takes awhile because we’re waiting for the body response. We’re waiting for this communication, this beautiful wisdom from the natural world to make the connection with our need.
Sit with this until you’re sure you understand what is coming up for you. Trust yourself and your spirit to guide you to the experience that will teach you. Right now you are looking into the mirror of the infinity of Creation and it is giving to you the exact moment of your life that is resonate with this communication.
You will know it by how it feels in your body. You will know it because there will be a bit of a frisson and an emotional ‘oh!’. It may not be huge, but there will be something that you recognize and think “!?”
Sometimes it’s obvious.
Sometimes it’s a memory or experience or feeling that we have long forgotten and is returning to be recognized and provide it’s wisdom because it’s useful for us right now.
Let the memory or experience come without judgement or censor or analysis. Let it be recorded. Remember and record.
Frame #5: Let Them Speak the Wisdom for Today
Centre into your heart and mothaitheacht and feel the connection with your nature anamchara. This being is your wise teacher. There may be words, phrases, information that is spoken to you directly from the being with which you are currently in connection. Record the words, phrases or whatever advice this communication is giving to you. Record the wisdom.
Once you’ve allowed the being to speak - give them a name in the first portrait area. Give them a name that makes sense based on their message to you.
Frame #6: Connect the Wisdom to Today
Connect 4 & 5, the memory and the wisdom to your current situation. There is a relevance to what’s happening to you right now that Creation is wanting to make known. There is something happening in your life currently that will benefit from this bit of advice or massage from the natural world. They are here for us, to help and to guide and to teach. There is something in this interaction that is here to help us.
Honestly, using this worksheet reminds me of how enmeshed in beauty and wholiness is this Creation and how it’s here always for our love and benefit.
Below are a gallery of the worksheets that I’ve completed during the time I’ve been working on this download.
After awhile, you don’t need the worksheet if you can stay focused on the process of moving from Creation as a wisdom mirror into yourself and connecting to the memory or experience that is wanting to be heard.
At some point offer a gift of gratitude to the being with which you are communicating. Ask them what they would like and then give it to them. Or, offer them something you think they might like, compost, veggie/rice water, fertilizer, water, seeds, treats… something that shows your gratitude for their being and participating in your healing.