Same God/Goddess, different name
I might be most excited about this part of the website overhaul.
I've always wanted to have a place to talk about Soul and God and religion and philosophy and belief and not have to connect it to anything else - just muse and wonder over it...
Talk publicly about all the things I speak privately with my closest friends...
THIS is the most interesting topic to me.
What do you believe? Tell me
In a bunch of places the
says (future edit - I just found out that it's not the Qur'an - it's the Sikh "Guru Granth Sahib") basically that all Gods are one God and we're all one creation and all the prophets that have come before have wisdom and value: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna... etc.
This was pretty great! I was so stoked when I first learned that
Sikh Gurus say that - it's pretty much my whole take on religion.
We're all talking about the same thing, just calling it different names.
But then the Qur'an goes on to say a bunch of crap - like Mohammed is the last prophet and his word is the final say and other kinds of shit.
Just end the conversation and keep the power, that's why
I'm always skeptical of that move. It's like trying to get the last word in in an argument... or hanging up the phone because we don't want to hear anymore.
Like the Judaeo-Christian bible saying there's no more miracles.
"Sorry people, that's over. No more miracles for you..."
Awwww... and we're all like, "Sucks to be us..." and kick dirt with heads hanging.
So… okay, guess what?
I’m a prophet, you’re a prophet and we say:
Miracles are BACK ON.
Yep, it was all a big cover up and power grab. Go ahead and miracle-it-up.
There are only two rules:
There is only love.
There is only inclusion.. well, I guess 3 rules.
Don’t be a dick. (Which is kind of wrapped up in the first 2, if you’re paying attention.)
What do you believe?
Get going on your miracles
Get going on your miracles 💜🌎💜
Magick is real.
We just agree to substitute a muggle reality for our own. Stop that.
They tried to tell us that magic was over and communication with Creator was at an end. We didn’t believe them because here we are, still in love with the world. No more prophets, no more miracles is a way to keep power over the people and freeze the story of love and wholiness into something Christianity can control.
Expect miracles.