The Power of Self Discovery and Truth
This video shook me.
It shook me for the simple, powerful way in which Atiyya spoke with truth about her experience talking to the trees.
Atiyyah spoke her truth. She stood in her truth, without explanation, without qualification.
I was in awe and recognition of a deep learning available to me.
In some of her other videos, Atiyyah talks about how growing up, she had just assumed everyone communicated with trees. Her family accepted her experience and she accepted her experience.
Communicating with trees and plants was her truth, rooted and thriving; normal, natural and acceptable.
For those of us who didn't have that, didn't get that natural acceptance and mirroring from the world as a little person - our path as adults, requires us to dive down into the deep and the dark and reclaim those lost truths for ourselves.
Whatever those truths are.
We embodied sacred wisdom as children.
We threw that wisdom away when it was met with discomfort or dismissal or outright rejection from the people in our lives. As children, we looked to others to show us how to be safe. We looked to them to show us who and what we should and should not be to fit into this world of human beings.
Anything that made our care-givers uncomfortable or angry or caused them to reject us, even a little bit - was discarded. Dangerous characteristics, like sharing that I heard the trees and the animals and plants was thrown into the deepest, darkest part of myself.
It was thrown away so that I could stay safe.
This happened to my communication with natural world - and no one is to blame.
My early life didn't have people in it who talked to plants and animals and trees. Maybe as a joke, but not in earnest. The adults in my life saw the natural world as filled with unalive objects that could be used and consumed with total disregard for their value and beingness as sovereign individuals.
The reaction to me sharing my experience of communicating with the trees and the animals and the plants was deep discomfort and asking whether I needed to be taken to the doctor.
For real, the doctor.
What I learned through those interactions was that my experience of the world was abnormal and suspect. Maybe even harmful. I learned that there was something 'wrong' with me.
I learned that I was never to share what I knew and what I felt with the world. I didn't stop communicating with the natural world - I just stopped sharing it, with anyone. Except for one or two of my closest, most trusted friends, I have never shared this fundamental life view with anyone, and definitely didn't post it as plain and simple truth like Atiyahh.
Even as I've been attempting over the past few years with Beloved Presence to communicate the depth of my love and connection to the natural world, I have been resistant and holding back.
Atiyyah was a mirror to what I needed.
One Disclaimer… for Freedom
She made one disclaimer on behalf of “herself and the rest of tree-talking Tiktok”, about sharing her truth and experience about talking to trees.
“We do not care if you needle neck naysayers do not believe us. I’m not trying to convince you of anything by expressing this story and at the end of the day, at best we’re in tune with nature and at worse we’re having mild delusions that aren’t hurting anybody.”
These are the boundaries I need.
It is a simple, powerful strength to stand in her truth and share what she believes is true and real in the world.
Diving into the deep to retrieve gifts we threw away.
It is so powerful that it can change everything.
We are each a universe of discovery waiting to be shared with the rest of creation. If we don't share what's in us - others who need it, will never have this same "shook" truth of trust and acceptance mirrored to them.
What's in you that you're hiding? What's in you to share with the world? Your joy, your love, your passionate 'glad to be alive' experience is needed in the world
Someone needs the simple trust and acceptance you have in your own truth - to give them the oxygen needed to dive down and reclaim their own gifts from the dark.
Bhraitheann Anam
If this speaks to you - I have Bhraitheann Anam in The Cailleach Ken Library. Bhraitheann Anam means "Sensing Soul" and it is a worksheet for reclaiming our lost gifts through communicating with the natural world.
It's a resource helping to bring the experiences of our daily lives to the spiritual process of reclamation in wholiness.
Joy, love and peace are our birthright and we've dropped some of them along the way.
They're all still waiting for us to circle back and pick them up. The natural world can help us with that process. Bhraitheann Anam can walk you through that process.
I am one of millions of people who came to be a bridge for this message to root and blossom the World.
Speak w/Spirit is sharing the message that both Spirit + Land are communicating with us all the time. This is my little way to normalize the present Spiritual Reality of Beloved Presence; Spirit Present in the World of Form.
Speak w/Spirit is normalizing our constant communication + relationship with Spirit + Land.
Speak w/Spirit is a reminder to you that it’s all real - all your experiences of Spirit in the World of Form are real and they are wisdom and your body is Ancient Wisdom and Land is Ancient Wisdom, and Land and Spirit have never stopped talking with us.
Speak w/Spirit and remind the world of what is real.
Your best, most joyful, soul-filled visions are the map to the World we all want to create. Sharing your visions are the way we create it together.
Don’t wait to be ready to share. Sharing is how we get ready.