Re-Enchanting relationship with Land + Spirit on Mishiike Minisi.

Tir agus Anam fite fuaite gu bràth. | Land Acknowledgement.


 Being + Belonging

A deep dive to reclaim yourSelf through Ancestral Healing and rooting to the Earth through our bodies, Land + Spirit. Re-Enchant your world and live a magickal life of your choosing.


We are called by our Ancestors and Spirit to Be. We are called by Land + Body to Belong.

Teachings for personal transformation.

Talking with the "Dead"
Quick View
Personal Reading with Beloved Presence
Quick View

Who are you? What do you want to do while you’re here?

Welcome to Beloved Presence


At Beloved Presence we are re-Enchanting the world through rooting purposeful belief and Celtic Magick action. (Honestly, magick is just the result of fite fuaite; Land + Spirit inseparable forever.)

We work with women who are struggling with personal fulfillment, dissatisfaction and self-worth. We show you how to lovingly accept yourself as you are and embody your unique Soul gifts, talents and skills to live a Magickal life of your choosing.

You are exactly who you need to be. You are powerful beyond measure and capable of co-creating the vision of your reality that makes you excited to be alive.


Beloved Presence is recognizing the wholiness of all existence, including you, exactly as you are.

We don’t learn this truth, we remember it. By dissolving the false stories and beliefs we created to stay safe, we can re-member who we have always been.

  • If you desire to know your authentic self more fully, you’re in the right place.

  • If you want to accept your authentic self for who you are, as you are, you’re in the right place.

  • If you’re looking to fully embody and express your authentic spiritual truth in all aspects of life, you’re in the right place.

  • If you yearn to live with Loving Wholiness as your guide, and follow your soul desires to fruition, you are in the right place.

My name is Lezley (which means Holly Garden in Gaelic). I am a Student & Teacher of Beloved Presence. Together we Re-member Self by asking “what is this for”?

Being still and hearing the Earth, we reConnect to Anam + Ancestors on Turtle Island.

I don’t know yet what you’ve always wanted for yourself and your experience of being alive, but I know that your wanting it makes it meaningful, and your existence means you deserve it.

Welcome home.


 Community on the Beloved Presence Discord

Joining the Chat! (Seriously, it’s just me right now and as much as I love being alone - I’d love to chat with you all about your experiences of Spirit in the World.)

Share experiences, feedback, support and community on this often baffling walk of being spirit in a world of form.

This is from the first day live and it was just me, talking to myself… and quite enjoying it. LOL!


What is your Shadow Story?

Take the short quiz and uncover the blocks to your gifts and talents.



Do your dearly “Dead” want to communicate with you?

Answer this quick quiz and find out what might be happening with your “Dead” loved ones in Spirit.


Are you ready to Connect with your Ancestors?

Take this longer than average quiz to determine your readiness to connect with your Ancestors &/or begin developing your Uncommon Communication skills.



 Who is your Animal Anamchara?

Take the short quiz to find out who is your “Soul Friend” in the Animal world.


 I write Reminders about Land + Spirit


There is only loving inclusion.

Celtic woman in the forest.

This is the only thing I know for sure. There is nothing that is outside of the loving kinship of existence.

I experience loving inclusion as Beloved Presence. How do you experience loving inclusion?

Working together, we recognize Beloved Spirit in your physical world and live in Presence and Guidance with Them.

We are Beloved Presence to the world and the physical world is a Beloved Presence to us in return.

"How can I live with Courageous Authenticity in the world?"

By healing your suspicious stories of self.

We make meaning about things that happen to us, and we believe those stories are true… those stories that whisper “You’re not good enough, you don’t deserve it, you’re bad and you’re wrong and it’s your fault.”

They’re not true - but you don’t know that until you know it.

You are worthy and deserving of every one of your soul desires.

I refer to this as the "Divine Reminders Library" - which is the previous name. Now it is "Cailleach Ken Library" because that is more accurate and resonate.


Cailleach Ken Library

A Library filled with resources to help you reconnect to the Beloved Presence in yourself and in the physical world. Move through and dissolve the blocks that prevent you from living the life your soul designed for you.

Mini Courses, videos, downloads and worksheets - all designed to walk you through recognizing and trusting the experience of Beloved Presence in yourself and your life.

  • The Holy Sh!t Handbook

  • The Beloved Presence Community

  • The Unstuck Mini Course

  • Tabhartas Bòid (Votive Offerings)

  • Bhraitheann Anam (Sensing Soul)

  • Beloved Presence Monthly Message Taster

  • Chats with “Dead” Celebrities

  • Ancestor Chats

  • Divine Reminder Love Letters

  • First access to any online &/or IRL events

  • ongoing access to a growing library of goodies


 Celtic Source

A page of resources for those of us interested in the process of Celtic Reconnecting.

  • podcast links, book suggestions

  • Irish and Gaelic pronunciation and dictionary links

  • audio recordings of Irish and Gaelic words, phrases and meanings that are particularly relevant to Celtic Animism & Spirituality + more!

 Speaking for the Trees

Lazy eco-activism where I use my gifts of writing and speaking to share my love and kinship for the natural world with Ontario politicians.
