Have we all been colonized?
Yes, yes we have.
A Preface
If you’re Christian and are triggered by criticisms of Christianity - this is not the post for you. If you want to respond with "but the bible says..."
Just no.
There are infinite bibles and self-referencing your own as proof, isn't a conversation I'm willing to have.
I have put off sharing this because I was apprehensive of the reaction. I'm not concerned about reaction anymore.
I have put off sharing this because I was unsure of who had the right to speak for Spirit and who had the right to call out bullshit.
My reaction fear. It rarely happens. Folks in Canada are more likely to judge you in silence than yell in your face.
Gotta take a closer look at this troll
My plan was to share my connection to Celtic ancestors but there is a giant lump of Christianity squatting in my way; a lump that I am not even remotely interested in embracing. My ancestors were colonized by Christianity which suppressed and demonized the most beautiful spiritual truths still alive within me, even after hundreds of years of cut off.
My dad rejected religion in his teens. My mom is a non-practicing Christian who took me to Sunday school for a brief period when I was a child. I learned about Jesus, who loved animals and was magic and might also be Santa Claus. However, despite not attending church, I have been thoroughly indoctrinated into Christian ideology whether I wanted it or not.
We all have.
30% of the world's population identifies as Christian. Western civilization is built on Christian ideology and it's precepts. It's belief systems are hard-wired and unconscious until we actively dismantle the bs and decolonize our minds. We have all been colonized to some degree, and it appears that I can't move forward in my Celtic reconnecting journey until I come to terms with the effects of Christian colonization in my own life.
The insidiousness of religious colonization is the molding of a world view and perspective into one that makes us easier to control. If we accept the message that we are bad and shameful and guilty, we are more likely to accept inferior treatment and circumstances. If we accept the eventuality of a perfect afterlife and direct all our efforts and focus towards an afterlife, we are more willing to accept poor treatment of ourselves and others now. If long-suffering and patience and denial of self are presented as “tests of spirit” to build our “treasures in heaven”, we are less likely to demand equality and fair treatment in this life now.
Religious colonization changes who we believe we are and what it means to be alive. Christian colonization is based in shame, guilt, white European supremacy, and separation.
Christianity seeks to disconnect us from experiencing Spirit directly in ourselves and in the world and places itself and it’s gated, exclusive, separate god as the only path to knowing Spirit. Christian world view is designed to make us feel ashamed of who we are and then claim they have the only way to salvation.
Christianity is a gaslighting abusive partner who spiritually, emotionally and psychologically beats us down, just so they can offer themselves as the only way to help us back up.
Christ is a title, not a person.
The word means "anointed", which may refer to baptism or the application of sacred oil to an initiate, or possibly the use of medicinal unguents in ancient healthcare.
Anointed can also refer to being touched, connected or 'anointed' by Spirit and living life in direct communication with Spirit as our guide.
Jesus is not the one and only Christ.
Christ is a title that can be achieved by anyone. Christ is a potential that exist within all people to realize their wholiness and connection to Spirit at all times, in all situations, with all people. Christ is a gift that we choose to see in ourselves and each other and in the world itself.
Christ is a gift that we choose to see in ourselves and each other and in the world itself.
The parables of Christ have always been an example of what exists within all of us to practice. If he existed, Jesus was a man, born of a woman, in a natural way, who became a beautiful teacher of loving, inclusive oneness of Spirit.
Jesus was not the only son of god. That's ridiculous. We are all descendants of the Creator.
The insistence on “exclusion and specialness” in Christianity is one of it's greatest failings and abuses.
Jesus was a man who taught a path of love, acceptance and forgiveness. The institution of Christianity has done a pretty shit job of realizing that message in the world. Instead they gave us the idea of original sin. Nice one.
Sin doesn't mean what Christianity says it means. Sin means "missing the mark". Literally, "oops, I got it wrong, try again." TRY AGAIN. Not hellfire, damnation and a hierarchy of shame. "Ooops, try again." OOOPS, TRY AGAIN.
Creator does not damn. Creator does not judge. Human beings judge and damn and then say that God says it's so.
WE fuck up sharing the truth of WHOLINESS because we don't fully understand the total and complete love and forgiveness and acceptance of Creation.
That's our fault.
That's okay, but we need to not continue perpetuating garbage in the name of Spirit.
Just so we're clear forever - Creator says LOVING INCLUSION.
That's it. That's all. The beginning. The end. Loving inclusion forever and for always. Anything else is human bullshit.
Jesus never died for anyone's sins. That's dumb. First, sins are just mistakes that can be corrected, so there's no need for anyone to die for them. Sin isn't that big of a deal, and we always have Creator's forgiveness.
No one has to be crucified for us to be worthy of love and connection to Spirit.
"Oops, I got it wrong," I WILL DIE FOR YOUR MISTAKES. Yuck. What a way to shame and guilt the community. YOU OWE GOD (and by extension the Church and the Church leaders). Groooooooosssssssssss.
Our peace and joy in this life is to be found in personal connection to Spirit; connection to Spirit within ourselves and connection to Spirit through relationship with the world.
There is no authority in existence that can replace our direct relationship with Spirit. There is no authority in existence that can replace our connection to Spirit in the world around us.
There is no authority in existence greater than our sovereign right to establish personal relationship with Spirit.
If there is ever going to be a second-coming of the Christ (which necessitates that we agree that Christ went somewhere else that required ‘return’), we would do better than looking outside ourselves for a single exceptional 'deified' person or institution. Instead we can look upon ourselves, each other, and the world, with recognition of the Spirit that exists within all of us. This is the truth of the Christ.
The Christ is living recognition of a shared spiritual reality that is only loving inclusion. No exceptions.
Try Braitheann Anam
“Touching soul” or “soul sense”, Braitheann Anam is a free download in “The Cailleach Ken Library”.
Join the mailing list and get your copy of Braitheann Anam and start practicing connection to Spirit in the physical world right away!
In Thanksgiving for continued Indigenous survival and future thriving; I dedicate this page to further links and resources for educating ourselves on Truth and Reconciliation.
We can choose new options to Reclaim the Dinner and bring Indigenous gratitude into all our actions. Thank you for being here.