Return of the Christ
The Christ is a title, not a person.
Just to reiterate, the Christ is the acceptance, understanding and knowing the oneness and wholeness of The Anam Mór on earth and living that reality in the world.
It is knowing that ‘I’ and the The Anam Mór are one.
The Christ is the embodiment of The Anam Mór on Earth. It’s not one individual, one time, never to be repeated. It is the reality of existence for all beings.
“Return” implies that Christ left - went somewhere else and isn’t here anymore. The Anam Mór went ‘somewhere else’. Lol. No.
There is nowhere else.
“Return” implies that we are not capable of perceiving Christ consciousness right here, right now.
“Return” implies that wholiness is not available or possible for us on the Earth until the Church says so.
“Return” implies that we are not able to communicate directly and be connected to the wholiness of the Anam Mór until Jesus is physical on Earth again.
The “anticipation mentality” of religious institutions is to push the good stuff until the after life; look to the future for rewards, don’t live right now or demand fair treatment and equitable circumstances ‘right now’.
This mentality also makes it very simple and easy to reject the physical world as ‘sinful’ and worthy of scorn and disgust.
“Future heaven makes the present hell.”
The Created world is One with the Creator.
This is a great control move to get us to follow Christian submission to authority by placing the church as the singular source for spiritual connection, communication and rewards - only available in the after life… if we deserve it.
By focusing on the after life, the Church doesn’t have to face criticism or accountability for the harm they cause now, nor do they need to explain the reasons for the unjust experience their parishioners experience in ‘this life’.
After all, suffering in this life is going to be rewarded in the next - so we don’t have to alleviate hardship for anyone on Earth; suffering is good and shouldn’t be questioned.
Christ never went anywhere.
The Anam Mór is right here, right now.
It doesn’t feel like that though because Christian spiritual leaders don’t actually want us to embody Christ on Earth.
Embodying Christ doesn’t support division.
Divide and conquer doesn’t work when we embody The Anam Mór.
“Us vs. Them” doesn’t work when we perceive wholiness.
“Saved vs. Unsaved” doesn’t work when we choose to see each other as Christ face to face.
The ability to join our own in-group in solidarity by pointing to a common enemy doesn’t work in Christ consciousness.
Spiritual leaders don’t teach us how to embody The Anam Mór in all things.
They don’t know how.
The understanding of Christ is never allowed or accepted as embodied by regular people.
Christian spiritual leaders don’t actually want Christ to ‘return’. We have never needed the Christian church or Christian spiritual leaders because Christ is embodied in all beings and is accessible and for everybody, every being.
The “return of Christ” as a foundation church tenet, maintains the fundamental structure of power and control in the Christian church by making them the singular gateway of access to divine wholiness.
We will always be waiting because Christian institutions will never deliver Christ back to the people.
Christ in all beings means Christianity no longer controls the message, focus or dictates what is valuable and spiritually essential for their congregation.
The Christian Church could no longer dictate right action, right thought or belief to anyone because Christ / The Anam Mór is deciding the course for every single person individually.
Your will is Christ’s will.
We never know how far the ripples go
We can never know the full and true wholiness of any word or deed. We can’t ever know the highest, ‘in wholiness’, spiritual reason for any given thing in Creation; so it seems best to stop gatekeeping what is spiritually true and good for individual people, and stop laying moral and ethical judgements over peoples lives and choices.
The Christian Church believes they hold the right and the power to determine WHO is Christ and WHEN and WHERE Christ returns and whether it is or is not actually happening.
The Church will never willingly give up the power to dictate and control a person’s beliefs about the worth and value of themselves, others and the world.
Christ has been used by the Church as a cookie for compliance.
You get this great Spiritual Truth of loving inclusion IF you believe our way and believe what we say and do what we say to do.
No one and no institution has control over our direct communication with the Anam Mór. No one can regulate our direct and constant loving communication with Beloved Presence, unless we agree to it.
There’s no need to wait for the “return” of Christ. There is no need for a “Second Coming”, because communication with Spirit never went anywhere. Direct connection and communication with Christ consciousness, with Beloved Presence, with the Anam Mór is exactly as it was in the beginning; unchanging and constantly, eternally available.
We are immersed in and exist in a resonate field of The Great Spirit’s unending loving acceptance.
Allow the communication to happen. Allow yourself to be in connection and communication with Beloved Presence and your ancestors. Allow the vision of loving inclusion to lead you and guide you and fill your heart with love and hope for yourself and the world.
Stop waiting for permission or agreement or proof.
There will never be any better proof than the experience of Beloved Presence. Believe in the Anam Mór that you know in your heart.
Ask for that communication.
Ask directly and purposefully.
Ask out loud and in your heart and in your mind and in your internal vision.
The quiet Guide will always answer.
The loving Guide will lead us to all the unquestioned ways we’ve allowed ourselves to believe in separation.
The Beloved Presence will show us where we’ve made the mistake of believing anyone, any thing, any thought as being outside of the loving inclusion of The Anam Mór.
I know who you are. I love you.
Connect to Spirit
Join The Cailleach Ken Library and start using the resources I’ve added to help learn how to communicate with Spirit in the Physical World.
Listen to the plants, join in empathetic communication with the birds, hear the words in the wind. This is a foundation of Celtic cultural heritage birthright and to which is my great honour to return.
Christ consciousness is here and has never left. The “Return of Christ” story is a ruse by the Christian institution to keep us focused on the after life as a reward instead of doing the work to become closer to the Anam Mór on Earth. It is heaven here, we just keep not seeing it. Wake up. Let’s wake the fuck up.