Science Doesn't Like Your Visionary Qualities Either
Religion is dogmatically dedicated to their hierarchical power structure, and will likely never change.
Science is equally dogmatic and changes very slowly.
Visionaries in both of the these areas are going to have a hard time getting their ideas picked up, taken seriously or shared.
Modern pro-science folks don't like hearing that science is just as dogmatic and rigid as religion. Science does change, but those invested in the current systems of institutional money and power in science need to die or be replaced in order for significant change to occur.
Chandra had to wait for Eddington and his cohorts to die before he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Science has a tendency to disregard anything that is not part of the established and accepted cannon. There have been 'mavericks' of science since the beginnings of science.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Hidden Passions + Personal Dream Support
When you feel like no one in your life can hold space for you to build the life you envision. We do that. Together.
Only the "right" people can put forth new ideas in science.
They come from the right educational backgrounds, they studied under the right people - and gender, race, culture and ethnicity all still impact who's work get's attention and funding and who's work is marginalized and ignored.
Currently there are visionary scientists working on theories that may transform our understanding of the current universe - if and when they are deemed acceptable by the established scientific institutions; institutions that decide which ideas are worthy topics of research and attention and which aren't.
Science also currents claims to decide exactly what is reality, and what is not. Kind of arrogant. Kind of the way the religion is arrogant.
Nissim Harremein works in physics and resonance. He believes that by working with scale, he has discovered the theory of everything; a physics theory that combines both large mass and quantum movements in the universe. He is ridiculed and dismissed by the scientific community.
Rudolph Sheldrake is working in the field of parapsychology developing the theory of morphic resonance; the theory that memory is inherent in nature and that natural systems inherit a collective memory of all things like their kind. He's also written a book called The Science Delusion which asserts that the scientific community is trapped within the false framework that they already know the nature of reality. He is currently dismissed and ridiculed as pseudoscience.
Most transformational pathways are ridiculed, rejected, dismissed or ignored.
Understand that most transformational paths in all categories of study begin their spark in the creative arts.
Cubism influenced Niels Bohr's understanding of quantum complementarity. Prof. Dave Featherstone, wrote at length that art and science are the same thing and both attempt to make sense of the world around and within us.
I want to emphasize how little we know about how the world actually works and how important it is for you to believe in and follow through with your visionary path.
We have no idea how our works will impact others or what new ideas and possibilities are sparked by our own visionary sharing. It's not up to us to decide on the value of what we create - it is up to us to create it as best as we can and then put it out into the world.
Sometimes our art has work to do that is far beyond what we can envision. Our purpose is to stay true to our vision and bring it to fruition as truthfully as possible.
Be gentle with yourself because no one teaches us how to live this way. No one teaches us how to use all our Presence and Being to find our Selves in the world and the Work that we will do.
No one teaches us how to rely as equally on empathic intuition and body sensation as we do logical rationality. No one teaches us how to make sense of these intense desires to share deep truths that we only partially understand. Be gentle with yourself.